---> 1t's mY bl0g! <---

log: 09/13/18

bad news. pneumonia strikes, and she takes no prisoners. -------->jäke

log: 09/11/18

we all had to confront catholic guilt as class kicked off with the exorcism scene from the epoynonmous in question (1973). This display was followed with some banter about the whole ordeal, different interpretations, how all the eyes can view Damien. But some stronger visions of hell are brought to us by Haneke's Funny Games (we watched the 2007 version). That really changed the mood quite a bit, we all have lots to spew about minding breaking and discomfort. There's a lot of soupy dialectics involved in analyzing high brow stuff of this ordeal, so I opted to close class with Dawn Of The Dead. Horror can, is and should be fun. Lots of alluding to future film discussions. giallo dance parties to come. -------->jäke

log: 09/06/18

log: 09/04/18

log: 08/30/18

crash landing in 1960, we spilled some guts about the nature of the open-ended narrative. what was so gosh darn fun was dismantling all the mise-en-scene. phallic imagery was a planet we toured the circumfrence of for a bit, the nature of both male attackers and female victims, the relationship of that and it's overlap with pornography. what really became a good enriched time was debating this imagery, the source of it's intent: who are the cruel creators and who are those that seek to subvert the expectations so sweetly lulled into the minds of movie go-ers across the board. We watched clips from Psycho (1960) , Peeping Tom (1960) &&& Black Sunday (1960) . in general pretty open ended one here, but more gore on it's way. the slop will not stop! -------->jäke

log: 08/28/18

day 1! the group is so nice and they make me thrilled to be there. it was all a mouthful, but we churned and burned thru the syllabus. i'm not too big of a fan of making people read paragraphs, upon paragraphs, but the syllabus gives the class even distribution of power, our document defies the idea that we are anything but a collective and a collaboration! there's a surprising (at least to me) amount of heads, and some really amazing minds in them--I can tell already--. "so what's next?!?!" well, we'll have to figure that out. next class (30th) will be the brainchild of this little gaggle known as CUH. it'll be more exciting, swearsies. -------->jäke

log: 08/20/18

he's back!!! oh boyo, this is going to start shaping up quick, first day of class is a wee-bit over a week away--and I'm weak in the knees--. the master list is nowhere near as long as I had planned, so I guess you can kiss your chances of seeing me leave my hobbit hole goodbye, it's all spooky movies now baby. but in all sincerity, I can't wait to bust down the doors of the classroom and inject psycho-chaos fluid into the course curriculum of the unfortunate selection of kiddos filing into this mess. first week is going to be a breeze, no blood will be spilled, mostly discourse. but!! come the second week, great terror will be a live wire. get ready to get hot. ok, I should really put some more snacks in my torso before I gotta ship off to work, till next time CUH. -------->jäke

log: 07/02/18

hello ?!?! testing! uhhh ahem, ok hello! So this is the first landmark blogpost of what will become a total gore zone in the following months. The class starts in a little more than a month from now and I'm sweating just thinking about it, holy molar. But the purest most refreshing sweat! I can't wait to see what everyone is like, I hope they're nice! Anyways, that's enuf from me. See ya soon though! -------->jäke